Carbon Accounting in the Fleet Sector

Show notes

In this inaugural episode, host Ursula Unger is joined by two industry luminaries - Lubomila Jordanova, founder and CEO of Plan A, and Markus Deusing, CEO of Alphabet. Listen in as they unravel the tapestry of their joint venture, aiming to pioneer decarbonisation in fleet businesses globally. This in-depth conversation promises to paint a vivid picture of the transformative potential that lies ahead.

What to expect of this first episode:

Insights from Alphabet's European Fleet Emission Monitor, revealing the challenges companies face in achieving their CO2 reduction goals.

Implications of the 2024 CSRD on CO2 emissions tracking and reporting.

A detailed look at the innovative tool birthed from the Plan A and Alphabet collaboration, designed to empower businesses on their net-zero journey: The Alphabet Carbon Manager.

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